Friday, February 18, 2011

A memory: Perry Farm (I call it prairie)

Disclosure:This is horribly written and needs editing. Please, I beg of you. Do not hold it against me. The word land is used far too many times. I wrote this in hurry, now please try and enjoy. My apologies.

One time when I was young, my dad and I went for a bike ride through perry farm. A state park like piece of land, in which is set aside to never have any parking lots or mcdonalds built on the land. Set aside so we feel good for future generations to have trees, water, soil and hiking lands to enjoy. Instead of cement wastelands and parking garages. This day was a tad cold, but I didn't notice. When you're a kid cold doesn't really bother you as much as when you are older.

Perhaps it's just the sheer excitement of something new and everything is fun as a kid. Now there is more sadness or as if the world owes us something, so at least the weather should be the way we want it. We loose contact with nature, "We often forget that WE ARE NATURE. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature. We’ve lost our connection to ourselves." I read that the other day.
I was thinking of this story because I decided since it's nice and I've been inside a lot, I should go outside for the fresh air. So I decided to grab the old camera and see if I had any skills left in me to take some photos. Mostly to see if I still had an eye for good shots for cinematography. I think I did pretty good, so I'm gonna give some visuals of the place it was I went as a kid for such a story. I digress, I've been rambling. Only because the story is quite short.

My father and I used to ride bikes a lot when I was a kid and many a times something happened. This one time, we were riding and his breaks seemed to just stop working. So behind me, I'm about 5 at the time, he just rams right into the back of me. I go flying, scraped knees and all, him still on his bike and my in tatters. If I remember right, I know I walked home. I was in pain and crying. Another time we went riding, I got to this huge hill and well. I couldn't stop, I was to scared since I was going too fast. So I just went off the trail into some shrubbery.I wasn't crying and walking home that day, I just laughed nervously... that became more of a trait. It's not really flight or fight with me, it's more make jokes or laugh while making jokes. If there is a dire need, I'll figure something out.

This time we went for a ride, we went to perry farm, side-note; that is where I went down a hill way to fast. In which, that hill doesn't look as daunting as it used to be. It's a joke now, unless on roller-blades. Not because it's steep, just because there are crevasses in the ground for roller-blades. In which, that's another story of my friend and I... I get off topic far to easily.

So we were riding around the park, getting off of our bikes to take side trails and look around. My father making jokes and talking to me about the area and how nice it is outside. Me just excited to be outside with my pops was enough. I think we road from a park not to far away, a lot of the state park type places kind of meet up together in our area. So we did a lot, a lot to a kid, biking that day. So I was all tuckered out by the time we go to park finally.

We went back to where they have these indian caves. Which is still one of my favorite places to go, in the back there is this place where in the summer. It is always cool and nice, a place to think and catch the slight breeze coming from the stream below. Then the water fall that isn't to far in front of you.
It's far enough back that no one can see you, but in the right position to where you can watch other people crossing this bridge. I caught a lesbian couple making out there one time. I wasn't sure what to do. So I gasp and kept moving, give me a break I was like 15 years old. I didn't know what a proper reaction was. I don't think there is a proper reaction to catching anyone making out.

Once we got to the indian caves we decided to take a little walk around. Maybe traverse and climb a bit. A fantastic idea! My dad helped me a lot. At one point he was ahead of me and I was stuck... we were in between two rock faces in on the sides. In between the two sides was the stream.Partially frozen over, but not in every places. The water rushing underneath was enough to break up a lot of the ice. It was really hard to tell where to step was ok or not, the rule of thumb was don't try to step on the ice.

but... I was stuck and I wanted to prove that I could do this on my own. I think I was about 7 years old. So I decided, I'll risk it... I got this, I know what I'm doing. I road my bike all that way! I got this and... no I didn't. I fell straight through and the water went over my head. Next thing I knew my dad had me under the armpits and pulled me out. I was soaking wet and freezing cold. He couldn't carry me out of where we were. So we had to climb out as soon as we could, it was unbearable. I was shivering and scared. My dad was just looking back at me constantly. I bet sort of annoyed by the fact that I didn't just wait and ask him for help. Which, I don't think now that he thought that. But he didn't get it, it was my chance to do it on my own and I failed, miserably.

I ended up slipping a few times, my little muscles couldn't really pull me well enough. I was just so damned cold. We finally got out and he carried me to our bikes. In which, we road out.. the whole time I didn't think I could make it and my dad would look over saying, ''don't worry buddy, you can make it. not too much further.'' Saying here and there, ''you know you shouldn't of tried that, you could of waited.'' just being a good dad to help me out. Help me remember for next time, oh... I will remember that. I still triple check ice before I cross over it. Even puddles.

I was just complaining the whole time, crying but no tears really came. I was to cold and good thing I didn't cry, the tears would of added to how freezing cold my face was. My teenage mutant ninja turtle jacket soaking wet, what was I to do? I love(d) that jacket. We road the whole way until the close parking lot, in which my grandpa was there to get us. I guess my dad used the payphone, we went and I was all warmed up with coa-coa and I stayed at my grandparents. That bike ride back was just brutal... not sure the point of it. Just a story.

ugh... never adding photos like this again! Just too much work and I don't like it. If it wasn't for that fact I worked hard to put these on here, relatively awful like... I would just get rid of it. But, they shall stay! hand in hand with the fact I hate it. I'm re-writing this one day and there will be no pictures with it! Maybe like 4 pictures... NO MORE!

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