Sunday, September 14, 2008

A beginning to a new community.

My first post on will be a story I've started.. an actual Blog soon.

(c) Kris Denoyer


Like any scholar giong through their process in aquiring a wholesome degree it becomes relevant that times have switched. The times you were in your hometown seem to be the best times of your life and now you are covered in homework, internships, book, studies and also finding time to divulge into your own intersts (if you want to that is, like many good nerds my friend and I were well known in this area). So you decide to return back home and find where all of your past acquatances and best friends have ended up, which most students who graduated keep up through social networking online, we seemed to have had our fingers far from the pulse of the graduating class of 2006. This became apparant when I saw a girl I graduated with happily married, working a normal job and pregnat. Maybe I have been left behind, but a double major of indepth studies and being a regular of libraries, comic book stores and football (soccer fields, also for now on it's football) have been changes enough to where I realized, no I have not been left behind in any sort of manner. I made my own way ahead of the game; just in a more inttelectual sense I get a laugh when my friend compares us to Tolkien and Lewis, except without the debate on if literature should be a copy of biblical beliefs or that every story is a shadowing of...

Anyways after our graduation day and the getting rid of our apartment we packed our stuff into a storage hall to take our summer journey; because we start our new jobs, more school becoming TA's while finishing our masters work (neither of us ever want to leave college either it be teaching or going on the side while working a regular job in our respected fields).  We realized we missed home on this day of graduation, seeing our paretns and certain people whom we have met from time to time back home. We purchased tickets to the next flight home in hopes to find the "roots" of our origin, already knowing why we are studying what we are. It seems to be more that we wanted a brush over, like re-reading a book or taking a look at notes you took in class. It is a necessity to knowledge and of life, even if it is going back over your life. In many ways a way more analytical way of looking at it than most would want. I digress, this is a tale of our coming to realization of what we were looking for all along. This could be described as a comming of age tale in the sense that coming of age is the understanding of responsibility not a sex visit by some lady of the night to fornicate with; And that is where I leave you and begin to tell you this tale.

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