Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Whilst at work

Though we long for the heavens
we dig for the underworld
opening pandora's box
confusing I & Though
for sustaining self-satisfactions
and the moment...
seeming all to trivial.

OH! the ticking of time
the work & mystery
all that can be seen
the heart that can mend anew
and change being ever constant

Continue seeking the Heavens...
Continue seeking...


There's better ways to bide your time
then to look back and see your lost years
lack a sense of empathy
wrap yourself in apathy, unless it's for yourself.

Bring dramatics to this place
I don't care to run that race
pull away from that void
I feel comfy here in my own space

I'm sorry never cut it
miscommunication was rubbish every time
my throat was cut long ago
inevitable to end, complacency kept us here


It's the opposite of apathy
when taking matters for yourself
What takes presidence today
is the worry you've gained.

Written by: Kristoffer Denoyer

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