Wednesday, October 27, 2010

not quite sure

Darkness; meek irresistible deep dark abyss...
'tis all I ponder
all I've sought
what ales me so.

masochist motions forward
unknowingly so
into a trudging pit; despair.
never quite sure...
never quite through...

It's progress I suppose
on your own
do as you will
oh, the cadaverous broken soul

the butchered souls
the burning souls
the new souls
the old souls

The ghouls that haunt us,
sins behind closed doors
forever more, perpetual motion
inside the darkest depths
ready to blow...

"It's not necessarily that you are incorrect."
"Then what would I be? If not incorrect, I would be correct..."
"No, that's not it. I'm not talking about the core issue of right and wrong."
"Then what!?"
"If you allow me the pleasure of speaking, I shall tell you."
"ok... please, go on."
"It's in the issue of tact and no tact."
"yes, how you handle the situation. In which you are so gun-ho in proving yourself, you forget people are people. Yes, we will hurt other peoples feelings. That's not saying that you negate how you talk to people all together. You know?"
"Well if we deal with everyone like Childrean, we won't get anywhere."
"Not... not the point."
"Then what is your point?"
"That you can do as you wish... but tact and love is important."
"If we deal in just love, no one will ever change."
"Then do what you wish my friend."
"I guess this is the difference between a pacifist and my own opinion."

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