Monday, September 6, 2010

I knew this girl...

she was lovely and we had such good times for the few months we had. She passed away, we acted married once. There was this ferris wheel you see, she loved it so much. Said she would give anything to spend more than 5 minutes on the top. On the way, I found a machine that had rings in it. I actually wanted candy, but I devised a scheme for those precious few minutes. I bought this crappy, plastic ring and decided I'm going through with this. I only had a quarter too, like this odd fate. I got a place in line and told her to grab tickets, which seemed foolish. She was very confused by such a request, but it was only to run up really quick and tell the guy a lie. In which, I was going to pop the question to a girl while on the top. So if he would be kind enough to leave the wheel up there for like 5 minutes when it is our turn. He said of course! and asked the others in line. Everyone seemed okay and I don't regret lying to all those people either. She got back with tickets and I was last in line, not suspicious at all. She was distracted by cotton candy that she purchased on the way over for tickets. It was cute, but every time I think back, everything she did was cute. I digress, I took this fake ring and held it in my pocket. Nervous as if I was actually proposing. It was just some ruse. We got to the top and it stopped, so I waited a while and brought up... ''do you know how you always wanted more than 5 minutes up here?" "yes, I was just thinking of that." "I found a way," "ahahaha sure, did you ask him?" "Sort of, but I kind of lied..." Whispering all of this... "You'll find out in a moment." She laughed and just enjoyed the moment. After some time passed, she rested her head upon my shoulder and I stretched my arm out around her. I said, ''well, will you marry me? aka... this is how I got us up here for so long." She laughed a lot and said yes, so it all seemed real and true. as we walked back, I was congratulated for just getting ''engaged'' and in reality, I was stoked and it was a fantastic evening. After leaving the area, she looked at the ring and said she was gonna keep it on. Remembering it was the sweetest thing someone ever did. I thought I was foolish and it was a bad idea, to her it was gutsy and romantic, even if it was lying to a bunch of strangers.

I remember this so well, because the day she was buried, that ring was still on her hand. A fake engagement but a real moment, that I shall never ever forget.

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