Monday, March 30, 2009

there was a terrible crash

last night i had this dream and woke up utterly terrified.

it started driving in the dark, i was seated in the middle seat next to my friend david. david is a tall blond kid and built pretty well. i'd say he was about 6 foot tall and to my left was a girl, not for sure who she was. but I knew her. only thing is i didn't talk to her about the whole entire time, except for right after i noticed david was in the car (i use the word notice because in a dream, it's like you are just realizing what is going on. the whole time though, you do know what's going on). i looked at this girl and smiled saying, 'i hope you're having a good time. i know my high school friends are crazy.' she looked back smiling and just said, 'it's totally fine, i'm really enjoying my time.'

now let me explain what people and the inside of the car appeared to look like. the girl next too man siting was the same height as me. she had on an orange tank top, and what i also remember is her perfect smile. the one to where her head tilts to the right side of her body. just a cute really nice smile, where her eyes twinkled. for some reason this was very in depth in my dream. luke is about 5'8 and has the common marine look. very tan with black hair. he never really turned around much and to the left sat willam who was a little bigger built than david. helm is at the same sitting height as luke in the front. i never really looked towards willam. now for the car, it was a roomy vehicle... like park avenue size. so, it's like a boat car. the car seats were like a dark gray color and the interior was pretty plain.

on with the dream sequence.

from the front of the car i hear luke say, 'stop being romantic, you know it's a terrible time. kris is mine as well, we're gay.' everybody in the car laughed. 'dude, we should go get some arby's.', i said.

a random voice, 'i'm thinkn' arby's.' i laughed and kept looking at luke, 'willam (he's in the passenger seat) is down for arby's!' david chimes in with, 'it's arby's time children.' luke took the next right on this dark country road.

as we drive we notice from a distance we could see emergency lights and when we reached the stop sign we couldn't turn left. so luke turned right (i think we were heading to bradley from manteno, but map wise we weren't going the right way. we would be on 45 a this point) heading back towards the way were originally going, just on the road parallel to it.

we keep driving and the common conversation is, 'i wonder what is wrong.' 'i hope everyone is ok' while everyone looks behind us to see if we can catch a glance of a wreck or downed power lines. on the right and left there are cars just sitting on the sides of the road, with people in them. just sitting there. as we come closer to this bridge ahead, luke is still looking back and he starts veering off the the right. and by the time any of us catch it, we were boned and no time to exit the vehicle. the car flies off the cliff and it appears to drop about 50 feet into what used to be a stream at the bottom. now it's just filled with rocks. the front of the car seems to go forward more. as we fall the car levels out. last thing i hear is the girlfriend in the dream say, 'we are going to die.' and i respond, 'don't be so positive. God help us now.' I wake up with a gasp and can't get back to sleep.

i'm hoping to take my lusts in this world and replace that craving with the energies in such things, to place them into things to help this world. to do what God wishes and using my hands to create something for my brothers and sisters in Christ. 'i have the right to do anything' - but i will not be mastered by anything.'

what kind of world do i want to create? i have hope in Gods world and wish to bring Heaven to earth. i continue to pray for Heavenly wisdom and patience. i can't do this alone, but i am never alone.

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