Friday, January 21, 2011

ramblings, what a clever title!

Yup, here I am yet again after questioning the void. The void many have questioned before, the simple truths and yet the truth resists simplicity. Yet I am not mature enough or wise enough to understand, if it's my truth or the worldly truth that persists to resist so intensely. In the end it could simply be my own vapid intellectual ideals that annihilate all... what am I saying, my want, my wanting does all the destruction for me. That unceasing thirst for everything and anything. The thirsts and the wanting that has always drawn me into such a crevasse, such a void, where my thoughts are towering in ivory. As if I'm always looking down upon others form a different and better perspective. As if my reason is better or reason, good or bad truly exists.

I wish there was a pretty girl effect for everything. Einsteins always quoted phrase of, kissing a pretty girl while driving, you aren't giving the girl or the kiss, the attention she deserves. This over analytical self taking away from the pretty girl in the room and pondering the mouse upon the elephant. Wow that was a shitty statement... I sort of hate myself for that one. I'll come back to this later, when I have a statement that is well/better stated.

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