Friday, August 13, 2010

Questioning Apathy

Apathy: 1. Absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
2. lack of interest or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.
3. Also, Apatheia - freedom from emotion of any kind.

Origin: 1600 French, "Freedom from suffering"
Latin, Apatheia, "Freedom from suffering, impassibility" from Apathes, "without feeling," from a- "without" + pathos "emotion, feeling, suffering."

Originally positive quality, sense of "indolence of mind, indifferent to what should excite."


I ask myself, "Does the negative or positive of this lead me to any of the choices I make? Or is there a positive to such a thing? Perhaps it's just negative, where it's a slippery slope to forgetting humans and becoming locked in a tight little bubble. Have I made decisions of pacifism, vegetarianism, friendships, relationships, theological views based on... apathy or genuine care?"

I would hope the latter, but I will give this some deep thought. Sorry for no answer, I just have contemplation.


I find the word usage very intriguing, "Freedom from suffering." Could be true, not letting the emotions of the situation get the best of you, but at the same time it could be quite negative. Not letting any emotion come in what so ever, could create a disconnect.. anywho, I'm just rambling.

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